Re: Logic

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Posted by Stephen Charchuk on January 02, 1997 at 17:01:02:

In Reply to: Re: Logic posted by grasshopper on January 02, 1997 at 16:55:05:

: I guess a great majority of skeptics (although not all of course) are
: their philosophy however logically strong is weak. It is easy
: to say you don't believe in a god you hate, but it is harder to say
: you don't believe in a god you haven't judged...that is what I hope I do.

It is not bitterness to want to seek truth instead of fantasy and wishful thinking. It is a myth that all Atheists, Agnostics, and Skeptics have been abused by someone in and of the Church. I became an agnostic because I had found that there really wasn't an objective way to prove the existence of a god. What I got out of religion was nothing more than conjecture, wishful thinking, and far too many contradictions.

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